Now, the common thing for us all to do when we say oh, it's the new year, I'm going to start getting fit again. And I'm going to get toned, and gets my body shape back to the way it used to be. What we normally do, is jump in and exercise four days a week, five days a week, six days a week, seven days right from the off, we cut our diet, and we, we go to the extreme. This blog is all about not doing that. And letting you guys know how to get back into shape and maintain your fitness levels. So here it goes. 

Step one. Start small. And by small, I mean, go to the gym, go for a walk, do a workout, general workout, once. In a week. Once you can keep that up, and be consistent with that one day, Duke another day. At another day into your workout. Do not start and go 5,6, 7 days a week right from the very beginning. Start small. 

Step two. Keep it general. In the beginning. What I mean by that is, do a whole body workout. Go for a walk or jog or run, and get your cardiovascular system going. It gets your heart and lungs working. Do a whole body workout. So all the major muscle groups. For example, your thighs, your glutes, your arms, your chest, and your back. You don't need to go to the gym for this. You can do just as much at home, or out in the park. 

Step three. Once you have got once, twice, maybe three times a week of doing your thing (any physical activity you desire of doing), step three is keep going. Keep it consistent. Consistency is the key. So no matter how often you do it, always do it. At the same time if you can, same day of the week, every week. It's the people who stop and start, will never, ever see a change happen. The people who get into a routine, and go whether it's snowing, raining, windy, or cold, they are there, doing the workout. 

Final step. And this, again, is a basic introduction, the final step, enjoy it. Don't do something that you don't enjoy. There is no point. And you will not maintain it. You need to enjoy it. There are loads of different types of physical activities out there. Make sure it's going to help you, make sure that you love doing it.

Kevin Matthew

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    Kevin Matthew is a director of Fitness for your Future Ltd. and Movband UK.  His past work was a lecturer at Middlesex University, became a director of PE subject at Lea Valley High School, and was also a manager of Sports Camps  Ca Savio, Venice, Italy at King Sports Camp.